Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The FOIA allows the general public to request records in writing from the Federal Government. Some records are released to the public under the FOIA and may therefore reflect deletion of some information in accordance with the FOIA's nine statutory exemptions or two law enforcement record exclusions. A consolidated list of such records is on Defense Link.

FOIA Introduction

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) generally provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, to obtain access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from public disclosure by "one of nine exemptions" or by "one of the three special law enforcement record exclusions". (see Quick Links)

The principles of government openness and accountability underlying the FOIA are inherent in the democratic ideal: "The basic purpose of the FOIA is to ensure an informed citizenry, vital to the functioning of a democratic society, needed to check against corruption and to hold the governors accountable to the governed." 

Click here for the full text of the
Freedom of Information Act.

submit a FOIA request

Members of the public, including foreign citizens, military and civilian personnel acting as private citizens, organizations and businesses, and individual members of the Congress for themselves or constituents, may request records in writing. It is important to remember that the Freedom of Information Act applies only to federal agencies. It does not create a right of access to records held by Congress, the courts, state or local government agencies, or by private businesses or individuals. Each state has its own public access laws that should by consulted for access to state and local records.

processing a FOIA request

Fees are assessed depending on which group the request falls into: 

Category 1: Commercial. Requesters pay all search, review, and duplication.

Category 2: Educational or Noncommercial Scientific Institution or News Media. Requesters get the first 100 pages free and pay for additional pages.

Category 3: Others. Requesters get the first two hours of search and the first 100 pages free.

Kadena FOIA Office

The 18th Communication Squadron/SCOK is responsible for processing requests for Kadena Air Base records under the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Requests received electronically must have a mailing
address included since it may not be practical to provide a substantive response electronically.

How to make a FOIA Request:

Submit FOIA Requests through the FOIA Public Access Link (PAL) 

Please ensure you mention "FOIA" and indicate a willingness to pay fees associated with the processing of your request or, in the alternative, why a waiver of fees may be appropriate.

If dissatisfied with the response received from the center, you may contact the FOIA Public Liaison at (703)696-6487 or e-mail

Provide all "fully released" FOIA records and the current listed records (i.e., government purchase card, etc.) on the Reading Room site to be sent to the AF FOIA Reading Room organizational mailbox at (copied above) or the Community of Practice (CoP). Make sure your documents are in PDF format and no larger than 30 MB.

Requests outside KAB

For fastest response times, the Air Force has a decentralized FOIA Program. No single office handles all Air Force FOIA requests. Send your request to the particular base or activity that has the records you want. Every Air Force base has a FOIA office that can help you direct your request to the proper activity maintaining the record(s). If you don't know which Air Force activity has the record (s) you want, send your request to: 11 CS/SCSR (FOIA), 1000 Air Force Pentagon, Washington, DC