Expand List item 3990Collapse List item 3990  Welcome to Okinawa Military Family Housing (MFH)

Welcome to Department of Defense (DoD) Family Housing (FH) on Okinawa! We are pleased to have you as a member of our community, and we hope your stay in family housing is a pleasant one. The Air Force is the Executive Agent for MFH as a Joint Service Program.  This means the family housing process is centralized for all accompanied Marines, Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen regardless of which base/camp/installation of assignment. There are more than 6,928 on-base housing units located on seven bases and camps throughout the island of Okinawa.

Expand List item 3991Collapse List item 3991  Mandatory Assignment to US Government Owned Family Housing

All active duty accompanied personnel are required to reside on base if adequate MFH units are available. To keep the process fair to all families with complete application packages, the first available unit in inventory will be offered to the first eligible family on the waitlist that has provided all required documentation.  However, we highly recommend that all families reserve lodging in the case that a home is not move-in ready upon arrival.

All active duty accompanied personnel must report to MHO NLT 72 hours after arrival to properly check in.
To ensure we have homes available for all services and to reduce transit time to work, we have a “Live Where You Work” policy.  This policy sets two locations for housing assignment based upon the duty location on the military member’s orders.  

If you were assigned to Military Family Housing but desire to live in town, you can seek to move off-post after 12 months.  To be approved to move off-post, occupancy in your grade (rank) and entitlement (bedrooms) must be at or above 90% in both your primary and secondary assignment locations.   Your command must concur with the move and the relocation considered a convenience move and the cost associated is not funded.

If there was no Military Family Housing available when you arrived at Okinawa, you can seek to move on-post after 12 Months in community housing.  To do so, ask to remain on the Waiting List in the "Lease Bypass" category.  Once 12 months has passed, when a home becomes available in your grade (rank) and entitlement (bedrooms), you will be contacted.  If you decline the family housing unit, you are removed from the wait list.

Expand List item 3992Collapse List item 3992  Government Housing

For many families, living in government housing provides easy access to community services and amenities such as schools, youth programs, Commissary/Exchange, and food services. This is especially true in overseas locations where you will find yourself dependent on the support facilities and services on the installation much more than in the U.S. Government housing is provided to military members who meet the following criteria:
- Military members accompanied with authorized dependents
- Military-Married-to-Military, couples assigned to same or adjacent base and residing jointly
- Key and Essential Personnel

Expand List item 3993Collapse List item 3993  Appliances and Loaner Furniture

Major appliances and loaner furniture will be provided for on-base and off-base housing for those who are eligible. Appliances are provided for duration of the tour however loaner furniture will be provided for 90-days for inbound only. For eligible personnel during PCS, 60-day loaner furniture available as well. Appliances include Stove, Refrigerator, washer, dryer and dishwasher (on base only).

Expand List item 3994Collapse List item 3994  Yard Maintenance

All on base residents are required to mow if a yard is present.  Fences are not provided.

Expand List item 3995Collapse List item 3995  Okinawa Environment

Mold is prevalent in this environment. Due to the subtropical climate of Okinawa, moisture and humidity are high and temperatures are just right for mold growth. This contributes to a higher incidence of mold and mildew concerns than may be experienced in other climates. Dehumidifiers are not provided.

Expand List item 3996Collapse List item 3996  Pet Policy In Government Family Housing

Dogs coming to Okinawa are subject to very strict control by the Government of Japan.  The quarantine process is a minimum of 6 months (180 days) and it is recommended you begin the process immediately.  A dog can serve the quarantine prior to arrival, but only if very strict conditions are met.
A dog can serve the quarantine duration on a military installation if the owner is assigned to military family housing and the pet will be restricted to an on-post family housing unit.  Since 1 in 3 families will be living off-post, please consider the risk associated with bringing a pet to the island before the quarantine process is completed.  Pets are not considered a factor when family housing assignments are made, and you could be housed in the local community where quarantined animals are not allowed.  The expense of kenneling a pet on-post for the quarantine period can be EXTREMELY high. (minimum $25 per day)

Aggressive or potentially aggressive dog breeds are not allowed on the installation. For complete information, see the Local Pet Policy.  All non-tower units: Authorized up to two dogs and/or cats--no more than two, total Designated Towers, 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor: Authorized up to two dogs and/or cats--no more than two, total. We cannot guarantee that a pet friendly unit will be available when you arrive. If you elect to bring your pet and wait for pet friendly unit, your TLA entitlement may be terminated.

Expand List item 3997Collapse List item 3997  Applying for Government Housing

Submit an advance application for assignment (DD Form 1746) to and include a complete copy of your PCS orders. The effective date of the application is the date you depart your prior installation (including members with TDY or leave enroute) or the date ordered to active duty. 

Applications may also be submitted upon arrival during your first visit to the MFH. Please allow 2-3 business days to allow the MFH staff will review all require documents. For walk-in applications, if you apply for government housing within 30 days of arrival, you will be placed on the waiting list effective the date you departed your previous installation. If you process your application after 30 days, the application date will be the date of the walk-in. If you apply prior to your arrival as Port To Home application, you will be placed on the waiting list effective the date you will arrive. Make sure your application identifies and includes supporting documentation for an impending promotion or gain of dependents so we can place you on the appropriate waiting list.

Expand List item 3998Collapse List item 3998  Civilians Live Off-Post

Department of Defense Family Housing is assigned according to a priority system. Since there are not enough homes for all accompanied military families, on-post homes are not currently being offered to Department of Defense Civilians. The exception to this policy is placement on the Key and Essential Personnel List which is centrally controlled by the 18th Wing with input from MCIPAC, USN and USAG-Okinawa.

Expand List item 3999Collapse List item 3999  Key and Essential Personnel

Key and Essential Personnel are those positions, either military or civilian, which are designated by senior island leadership as critical during emergencies.  The list is updated annually or as requested by the 18th Wing, MCIPAC, USN or USAG-Okinawa.  A copy of this policy is available upon request at the DoD housing office. 

Expand List item 4000Collapse List item 4000  Unaccompanied Personnel

Each service component provides unaccompanied housing to their own population.  Unaccompanied personnel should work closely with their unit, sponsor, or family readiness officer to learn more about available on-post and off-post processes.

Expand List item 4001Collapse List item 4001  Information Center


Expand List item 4004Collapse List item 4004  Housing Policies
Expand List item 4005Collapse List item 4005  Housing Documents
Expand List item 4006Collapse List item 4006  Port to Home

Expand List item 4007Collapse List item 4007  Terminate On/Off Base Housing
Expand List item 4008Collapse List item 4008  Environmental Documents

MFH Health and Safety Hazards Information, Disclosure, and Acknowledgement


A Guide for Residents of our Community
- Do not block or cover any heating, ventilation, or air conditioning duct or fan coil units
- Clean filters every 30 days. If you have pets clean the filters every 15 days
- Maintain a temperature in your home between 76 and 80 degrees in air conditioning season
- Maintain a temperature in your home between 65 and 74 degrees in heating season
- Clean and dust your home on a regular basis. Use environmentally safe household cleaners
- Regular vacuuming and mopping removes household dirt and debris that contribute to mold growth. A vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter will help remove mold spores
- Periodically clean and dry the walls and floors around the sink, bathtub, shower, toilet, windows, and patio doors using a common household disinfecting cleaner. On a regular
basis, wipe down and dry areas where moisture sometimes accumulates, such as countertops, windows, and window sills
- Never run the exhaust fan continuously. Use the bathroom fan when bathing or showering and allow the fan to run until all excess moisture has been vented from the bathroom
- Use the exhaust fan in your kitchen when cooking or while the dishwasher is running and allow the fan to run until all excess moisture has been vented from the kitchen
- If you have a clothes dryer in your unit, clean the lint filter after each use and promptly report any damage to the vent connection. If condensation forms within the closet, wipe it daily. Dry damp clothing as quickly as possible
- Limit houseplants to a reasonable number to limit excess humidity in your home and limit molds that could grow on the solid surface. Avoid over watering
- If you clean up a spill on your carpeting, blot the area dry
- Do not overfill closets or storage areas. Overcrowding restricts airflow
- Do not leave external doors, opening windows for cooling is good, during moderate weather in “spring” and “fall” seasons when the AC if not turned-on
- Do not store items in a/c mechanical room 

This guide provides information and guidance for homeowners and renters on how to clean up residential mold problems and how to prevent mold growth.

Ten Things You Should Know About Mold


The guide to protecting yourself and your family from radon


Protect your family from lead in your home.

Expand List item 4009Collapse List item 4009  Supporting Offices


Bldg: 1670 Sada tower, multi purpose room(relocated from 376 NFT)
Number: 645-6234
Hour: 0800-0900, 1500-1600(except Wednesday)

Bldg: 107 Room 118
Number: 637-3736
Hour: 1430-1530
*Close on Wednesdays

Bldg: 4118
Number: 622-7317
Hour: 1430-1530
*Close on Wednesday


-AF/USN assigned to Kadena or White Beach
Kadena Bldg.756, DSN: 632-0068

Torii Station Bldg.236, Rm 133, DSN: 644-4753

-USMC and USN assigned to USMC Base
Foster Bldg.495, DSN: 645-0922
Courtney Bldg.4311, DSN: 622-5802
Hansen Bldg.2137, DSN: 623-7029


Work Orders/Requests can be submitted online click Housing Maintenance Request.

Phone Tree:
from a cell phone dial 098-938-1111, wait for the dial tone, then dial 634-4663 (634-HOME.)

Quick Access options:
#1-Emergency power/water outages.
#2- Scheduled power/water outages.
#3- Entomology housing issues (rodents, insects, mice, dead animals).
#4- All on base/ off-base Appliance Maintenance.
#5- Housing Maintenance Service Clerks available 24/7.

Expand List item 4011Collapse List item 4011  Occupancy and Waiting List

Click to open the latest:  

*If you are getting a file older than a couple of days, please clear your browser cache.


Expand List item 4062Collapse List item 4062  Applying for Government Housing

Q: If I apply for housing using the Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT), does the date I submit my application become my control date.
A: No. HEAT does not change existing policy for determining your control date. The arrival date will act as the application control date.

Q. Am I entitled to on base housing if my dependents are delayed?
A. Yes, if your dependents will be arriving within 30 days of your arrival. If your dependents will not arrive within 30 days, you will be required to reside in unaccompanied housing.

Q: We have a large, blended family. Some of our children live with us full-time, others do not. How do we know the size of house we are eligible for? What if the size we are eligible for will not be sufficient when all the children are with us?
 A. In OCONUS areas, all dependents must be medically cleared to travel to Okinawa to be eligible for a room. Any dependents arriving on island not medically cleared to travel will not be eligible for MFH.

Q. How do I apply for housing?
A. New personnel shall report to the DOD Military Family Housing (MFH) office, Kadena Air Base within 72 hours after arriving.  Eligible members would send all required documents to

Military Family Housing (MFH) application required documentation:

Download Housing Application Packet at Housing Document section above.

Air Force -Copy of Orders & any Amendments (if applicable)
Army – Copy of Orders and Amendments
Navy –Copy of Orders and Amendments & Dependent Entry Approval
Marines – Copy of Original and Basic Orders & Amendments

Air Force -Dependents noted on orders.
Army – Dependents noted on orders.
Navy –Dependent Entry Approval.
Marines – Approved Area Clearance.

Supporting documentation
Proof of Promotion (pin on date)
Pregnancy Verification Statements (gender if applicable)
EFMP enrollment memo (housing accommodations noted)
Flight itinerary
Delayed Dependent Approval
Proof of tour update (unaccompanied to accompanied)
Family Member Non-Concurrent (Navy)

Q. Where can I find an application for housing?
A. See Housing Document section above for downloadable copy.

Q. What type of housing am I eligible for?
A. Family Housing does not provide Housing based on address. Air Force Instruction 32-6000 provides the minimum bedroom requirements for assigning FH. All eligible personnel will be afforded an equal opportunity for family housing designated for their applicable grade category and bedroom requirement. Click on add PDF BEDROOM RQUIREMENTS (TO FAQ and website) for specifics.

Q. I am in the military, and so is my spouse. How does that impact my housing eligibility?
A: For OCONUS when co-located, the housing assignment will be based upon which service member has command sponsorship of the dependents.

Q. I am in the military, and so is my spouse without dependents (on accompanied orders)
A. Housing accommodations will be based on the higher-ranking member.

Q.  I am a military member with command sponsored dependents. Am I allowed to move off base?
A. All accompanied active-duty personnel will be assigned to government owned family housing until such time adequate inventory is unavailable. Click here MANDATORY HOUSING POLICY for more information.

Expand List item 4063Collapse List item 4063  Housing Waitlist

Q. How is my control/effective date determined?
A. Your position on the waiting list is determined by date priority:

  1. Departure date from last duty station (Newly inbound) Effective date of application (walk in apply)
  2. Grade date of rank (DOR)
  3. Length of service
  4. Date of birth

Q. How do I apply for an additional bedroom due to pregnancy? (ex. Residing in 2 bedroom need a three)?
(Option 1) Apply with pregnancy statement (from military medical clinic) and be placed on waiting list with the due date as the effective date. Unless the waiting list is exhausted, housing is not assigned until the event triggering the entitlement occurs.  If housing is available with no other families waiting you will be offered units.  Move will be no cost to the government.

  1. (Option 2) Submit an Exception To Policy (ETP) requesting to relocate before the baby is born.  Use the below instruction paragraphs as reference (Ref: AFI 32-6000).  Provide pregnancy statement (from military medical clinic) as supporting documentation. 

Para 4.4.1. Impending Entitlement. Members with an impending entitlement (promotion, increase in the number or maturation of dependents) that would entitle member to an additional bedroom in the following 12 months must provide supporting documentation and note the entitlement in the remarks section of the application. (T-1) A physician’s statement to confirm pregnancy and a written statement from the military personnel flight to confirm selection for promotion is required, as applicable for the claimed entitlement.

Para Unless the waiting list is exhausted, housing is not assigned until the event triggering the entitlement occurs. The Member pays for the move except for a move to prevent more than 2 dependent children entitled to individual bedrooms having to share a bedroom (see paragraph 4.9).

Expand List item 4064Collapse List item 4064  Housing Assignments

Q. How does housing determine what base I will live on?
A. Housing will use your PCS orders to determine where you will live. If you are being reassigned to another installation when you arrive on island, we must have a letter from your Command stating where you will be permanently assigned. In the case of work that demands you rotate work in several installations, we will need your Command to specify the primary duty location and the percentage of work that you will be at that base.

Q. Where can I find the floor plans for Family Housing?
See “HOUSING PICTURES AND FLOOR PLAN” section below for more information.

Q. Can I request a specific home on base?
A. No, homes must be issued by using the available date in housing data base (eMH) and using the inventory for your primary and secondary work location.

Q: I am the sponsor of an Exceptional Family Member (EMF) registered in EFMP. Is special consideration given to this circumstance for my control date.
A: Possibly. If there is a home available the housing office will accommodate.

Q. Can the service member retain on base unit while on TAD/TDY?
A. Yes if the dependents are residing in the home. The service member must vacate if the dependents leave the home for more than 30 days. An Exception to Policy (ETP) must be submitted in to request to retain housing beyond 30 days. Attach TDY Orders as supporting documentation.

Q. Can I move from an on base home to another on base home?
A. In order to relocate the service member’s entitlements must change (promotion, additional dependent, maturation of dependent, PCA etc.)

Q. How many bedrooms will I qualify for?
A.  Bedroom requirements are based on your family composition and pay grade.  E1-E6 units have 2-4 bedrooms, E7-O5 units have 3-4 bedrooms and O6-O8 have 4 bedrooms. (See family composition table below.)


BR Auth

Spouse and or one dependent


Two dependent children, except as follows:

   When one is 10 years or older

   When one child is 6 years or older and opposite gender




Three dependent children, except as follows:

   When two are 10 years or older

   When one is 10 years or older, one is 6 years or older and    opposite gender of youngest




Four dependent children, except as follows:

   When one is 10 years or older

   When one is 6 years or older, and opposite gender of other three

   When two are 6 years or older and opposite gender, and other two same gender

   When two are 10 years or older and one is 6 years or older and opposite gender of youngest







Five dependent children, except as follows:

   Two or more 10 years or older

   One 10 years or older, one 6 years or older and opposite sex of the other three





Q. How do I access Radon information?
A.  Radon information can be found under environmental documents or click here

Expand List item 4065Collapse List item 4065  Pets

Q. Are pets allowed in base housing?
Yes, however Okinawa has a Joint Service Pet Policy for the ownership and control of pets in all Military Family Housing (MFH) areas. Certain dog breeds are prohibited in all MFH (i.e., Pit Bull/Bull Terrier, Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler, Chow, Canid-Wolf Hybrids, etc.). Exotic animals such as, but not limited to, reptiles, rodents (other than hamsters and guinea pigs), ferrets, hedgehogs, skunks, rats, raccoons, squirrels, potbellied pigs, monkeys, arachnids, or any farm animals are not permitted in government housing.

Q. Will there be a pet friendly home available upon my arrival?
We cannot guarantee that a pet friendly unit will be available when you arrive.

Q. Will I be assigned a pet friendly home?
A. Yes if available. If not, available you will be offered the next available home. 

Q.  Can I wait for a pet friendly home to become available?
A. If you elect to bring your pet and wait for pet friendly unit, your TLA entitlement may be terminated.

Q. What types of homes are pet friendly?
A. Multiplex Units: Authorized up to two dogs and/or cats--no more than two total per unit including pet sitting, (Tower units can accommodate cats on each floor: First three floors will accommodate dogs)

Q. Can I decline homes if my pet is not accommodated?
A.  No.

Q. How many pets am I allowed to have in on base housing?
A. Authorized up to two dogs and/or cats no more than two, total.

Q. What is the policy on aggressive breeds?
A. Aggressive Breeds are not permitted in on-base housing.  ​“aggressive” or “potentially aggressive” breeds of dogs are defined as a Pit Bull (American Staffordshire Bull Terrier or English Staffordshire Bull Terrier), Rottweiler, Doberman Pinscher, Chow, and wolf hybrids.​

Q. Are exotic animals permitted in on base housing?
A. Exotic animals such as, but not limited to, are not permitted in on base housing​ reptiles, rodents (other than hamsters and guinea pigs), ferrets, hedgehogs, skunks, rats, raccoons, squirrels, potbellied pigs, monkeys, arachnids, or any farm animal.​

Q. How do I go about quarantining my pets?
A.  Pets can be quarantined in on base lodging and in on base housing. 

Q.  What can I do if I cannot quarantine my pet on base?
A. You can opt to kennel your pet. The expense of kenneling a pet on-post for the quarantine period can be EXTREMELY high. (minimum $25 per day).  Karing Kennels Boarding Facility is most common. DSN: 966-7593

JP Cell: 0363-868-2263 USA: 512-672-7593

Expand List item 4066Collapse List item 4066  Community Housing (off base)

Q. How do I get my off-base authorization if I want to live out in town?
A. All inbound Military accompanied personnel will be required to reside on base if adequate units are available in the primary or secondary area.  If no units are available to offer your counselor will provide the “Request To Reside Off Base” Memo​.  The request would need to be routed to your Commander for endorsement.

Current on base resident, you must have met the minimum 1-year occupancy and occupancy rates must be 90% and above for both your Primary and Secondary work locations the “Request To Reside Off Base” Memo will be provided​.  The request would need to be routed to your Commander for endorsement.

Q. What is the process to find Off-Base Housing?
A. HOMES.MIL is the only house searching source.

Q. Do I need rental insurance?
A. We highly encourage you to obtain legal liability and personal property insurance for your possessions and should choose the options and amounts that best fit your needs and lifestyle.

Q.  How do I obtain rental insurance overseas?
A. Contact any local insurance companies for more information. You can also contact your stateside insurance company as well.

Q. How do I find out my OHA rate.
A. To look up your OHA/Utility rates, visit the OHA calculator via website, Locality Code: JP027.

Q. What is an OHA advance?
A. All service members are entitled to a 100 percent advance of required up-front rent payments. Service members must pay back the advanced rent in 12 monthly payments.  Please contact your branch finance office for more details.

Expand List item 4067Collapse List item 4067  Unaccompanied Active Duty (AF Only)

Q. What do I need to do to get my inbound Airmen a dorm room?
A. To get your inbound Airmen a dorm room, you must provide your Airmen Dorm Leader with a copy of their orders, itinerary, DoD ID # and date of birth.

Q. How far out can a sponsor reserve a room?
A. A sponsor can request a room as far out as 30 days. Rooms will not be assigned until an airman is within seven (7) days of arrival.

Q. When am I eligible to seek off-base housing as an Unaccompanied Airmen?
A. Unaccompanied Airmen must have the rank of Senior Airmen and three (3) or more years TIS to be eligible to move off-base.

Q. Are guests allowed to stay overnight in my dorm room when they visit?
A. If pre-approved by the Unaccompanied Housing Superintendent and your First Sergeant in writing, your spouse may stay with you for up to 30 days. No other guests are allowed to stay overnight.

Q. How do I out-process my dorm room?
A. Contact your Airmen Dorm Leader.

Q. Am I allowed to have pets in my dorm room?
A. When approved by your Airmen Dorm Leader, fish, turtles and lizards are allowed to be housed in your dorm room. Fish tanks cannot exceed five (5) gallons.

Q. Are unaccompanied service members eligible for on base housing?
A. Only accompanied service members are eligible for Military Family Housing (on base housing). If dual military both service members must be on accompanied PCS orders.

Q. I am a Single, Pregnant Soldier/Airman/Marine/Sailor residing in the dorms/barracks. Can I apply for Base Housing?
To apply for Base Housing, at 20 weeks you can submit an Exception to Policy (ETP) to be able to move in to housing without a Command Sponsored dependent.  Command Sponsorship documentation of your child is required once the child is born.

Q. I’m unaccompanied can I live off base?
A. Each branch of service has different requirements.  Please inquire with your unaccompanied housing office/section.

Expand List item 4068Collapse List item 4068  Civilians

Q. Can Civilians apply to reside on base housing?
A. Civilians can only be housed if the position is Key & Essential (these are your group and deputy Commanders of the installations and special command positions).

Q.  How do I receive my LQA (Housing allowance)?
A.  Please contact your local Human Resource Office (HRO)

Expand List item 4069Collapse List item 4069  Furnishing

Q. Am I entitled to government loaner furniture if residing on base?
A. Yes, if serving an accompanied tour, you will be provided the option to request loaner appliances and furniture.

Q. Should I bring large furniture items to Okinawa?
A. Floor plans on Island are smaller than CONUS, because housing in Okinawa is not as spacious as homes in CONUS, personnel are encouraged to pare down or place items in non-temporary storage (NTS).

Q. Should I put items on Storage?
A. Because housing in Okinawa is not as spacious as homes in CONUS, personnel are encouraged to NOT ship their full JTR weight allowance; instead, we recommend that you use your non-temporary storage (NTS) entitlement at the departing location. If you ship your full JTR weight allowance, be aware that Kadena AB does not have storage facilities to accommodate excess household items, and local rental storage is very limited. Furthermore, you are not entitled to ship items back to the continental U.S. (CONUS) for non-temporary storage (NTS).

Q. Will appliances be provided?
The furniture management section (FMS) will provide washer, dryer, stove, refrigerator on permanent base to all on bae residents.

Q. Will furniture be provided?
A.  When available, loaner furniture kits can be requested for up to 90 days or until your HHGs arrives.

Q. I will be residing off base will appliances or furniture be provided?
A. Yes, if serving accompanied tour (all branches active duty and DOD Civilians) will be provided the option to request loaner appliances and furniture

Q. I’m serving an unaccompanied tour, am I entitled to loaner appliances and furniture?
A.  Only active-duty Air Force and Air Force civilians rate loaner items. See below chart.



Appliances & Loaner furniture

Active duty Air Force





Active duty Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Space Force





DoD Civilian, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, AAFES, DODEA





DoD Civilian Air Force





Please note: Being eligible does not guarantee a delivery or  pickup, it will depend on the home you choose.



Expand List item 4070Collapse List item 4070  Terminating Housing

Q. I am scheduled to PCS soon. What do I need to do to start the process?
A. Read this PDF here; Out processing Military Family Housing(MFH)

Expand List item 4072Collapse List item 4072  Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)

Q: Can members keep OHA in excess of their lease amount?
A: DoD 7000.14-R Table 26-1. Types of Housing Allowances
Rule 6 - OHA is based on cost reimbursement.

DoD 7000.14-R
*6.1 OHA Overview (260601) OHA is designed to cover actual rental costs for 80% of the assigned Service members. A Service member is reimbursed actual rental costs, limited to the maximum OHA rate for each locality and grade. OHA is not intended and must not be used for the personal enrichment of a Service member by including costs incurred for procuring or adapting a residence to accommodate renters or for vacation purposes. Disciplinary action may apply when housing allowances are used for other than the purpose intended.

Unfortunately, excess OHA cannot be pocketed.  OHA is based on reimbursement only.

Example:  if rent is $1,000 and OHA rate is $1,500 the member will received $1,000 only. 
Mil to Mil couple example: rent is $2,000 both OHA cap is $1,500 OHA will be split 50/50 of $1,000 per person to equal the $2,000 rent amount.

Q: What is included in the Utility OHA calculation (electric, water, sewer, trash, etc.)?
DoD 7000.14-R Table 26-20. Climate Code Utility Points

A: Utilities are electric, water, sewer, trash.
Amenities are lawn care, maid, internet, pool maintenance etc.

Q: Can members keep excess Utility OHA in excess of their utility bills?
A:  The utility Allowance is s paid monthly to defray expenses paid directly to utility companies and expenses incurred from recurring maintenance and minor repairs for the leased residence/ set to cover the 80th percentile of reported costs . The member can utilize the funds as they see fit.  The utility allowance is not a reimbursable item unlike OHA.

Q: If members have utility costs beyond their Utility OHA allotment  (bulk waste pick up, etc.), can they file for reimbursement?
A:  Unfortunately, no. The utility Allowance is not a reimbursable item unlike OHA.  The allowance is given to offset cost of 80% of the household utility cost.

Q: Where can individuals find the current OHA rates for Okinawa?
A:  The current OHA rates can be located on website.

Q: Does 18 WG or the Housing Office receive a member’s BAH when they are assigned to Military Family Housing?
A:  BAH is not collected via the Housing Office nor 18th Wing.  When families are stationed overseas you are no longer eligible for BAH. OHA is paid to military personnel assigned overseas who do not live in government housing. BAH is provided to military personnel stationed within the United States to assist with housing costs. BAH is paid to the privatized company in CONUS, BAH funds are utilized to cover rent, utilities, and amenities.  MFH utilizes government funds (Family Housing Appropriations) to sustain Military Family Housing units on base (Okinawa).



  • Operating Hours(Japan Standard Time): 0800 – 1530 hrs. Monday thru Friday, and office will close at 1200 on every Wednesday.
  • If you are Sponsoring an Inbound Service Member, please advise the Member to send Advance Housing Application as a package.
  • In lieu of School Verification Letters, you may use your Housing Assignment letters (on base) or Lease Agreement (off base).


Expand List item 3966Collapse List item 3966  Housing Office


From Local Japan Cell dial 098-938-1111(Local Phone) then dial 634-0582
From US Cell dial Operator 011-81-98-938-1111(Comm) then dial 634-0582
DSN (315) 634-0582


Facility Inquiries

Dorms (Unaccompanied Housing)

Pre-Final Inspections

Off base Correspondence

On base Correspondence

Okinawa Military Family Housing@OkinawaMFH

Expand List item 3967Collapse List item 3967  Maintenance

Service Request Form
For emergency assistance for housing maintenance, please contact 634-HOME (4663)

Expand List item 4003Collapse List item 4003  ICE Feedback

     Click / Scan for ICE


Expand List item 3968Collapse List item 3968  Kadena Air Base
Expand List item 3969Collapse List item 3969  Camp Foster
Expand List item 3970Collapse List item 3970  Camp Kinser
Expand List item 3971Collapse List item 3971  Camp Lester
Expand List item 3972Collapse List item 3972  Camp McTureous


Expand List item 3975Collapse List item 3975  Chibana/JE/SN/CG/FG/2-4 BR





Expand List item 3976Collapse List item 3976  Clark Vista/SO/4 BR
Expand List item 3978Collapse List item 3978  Jennings/JE/SN/CG/2-3 BR





Expand List item 3979Collapse List item 3979  Sebille Manor/JE/SN/CG/FG/2-4 BR




Expand List item 3974Collapse List item 3974  Stearley Heights/CG/FG/PR/3-4 BR





Expand List item 3973Collapse List item 3973  Washington Heights/JE/2-4 BR





Expand List item 3977Collapse List item 3977  FLOOR PLANS


Expand List item 3983Collapse List item 3983  Futenma/SN/CG/FB/SO/3-4 BR






Expand List item 3981Collapse List item 3981  North Foster Tower/JE/SN/CG/3 BR







Expand List item 3980Collapse List item 3980  Plaza/CG/FG/SO/GO/2-5 BR








Expand List item 3982Collapse List item 3982  FLOOR PLANS


Expand List item 3985Collapse List item 3985  Camp Courtney Tower/JE/SN/CG/3 BR








Expand List item 3984Collapse List item 3984  Camp McTureous/JE/SN/CG/FG/3-4 BR







Expand List item 3986Collapse List item 3986  FLOOR PLANS


Expand List item 3987Collapse List item 3987  Kinser Tower/JE/SN/CG/FG/2-3 BR






Expand List item 3989Collapse List item 3989  Kinser Heights/JE/SN/CG/FG/3-4 BR






Expand List item 3988Collapse List item 3988  FLOOR PLANS