1. Call the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) at 634-7272/SARC or 098-961-7272 from a cell phone. This hotline is answered 24/7 and is confidential. You can also call the Kadena Base Operator or Command Post and ask to be connected to the SARC.
2. It is recommended that you follow these guidelines:
- Go to a safe location away from the attacker.
- Call 911 if you are in an emergency situation or need immediate medical attention.
- Do not change clothes, but if you feel you must, bring soiled clothing in a paper bag--not plastic
- Do not eat or drink anything
- Do not shower, brush your teeth or use mouthwash
- Do not take or apply any type of medication to any injuries
- Do not use the bathroom, but if you must, bring urine in for testing in a plastic or glass container
- Do not disturb or clean up the crime scene
3. Go to the Foster Naval Hospital Emergency Room for medical care and a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam, if you choose. The ER Staff will notify the SARC if you haven't already.