Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

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Your Kadena SAPR Team

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If You Have Been Assaulted

1. Call the Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) at 634-7272/SARC or 098-961-7272 from a cell phone. This hotline is answered 24/7 and is confidential. You can also call the Kadena Base Operator or Command Post and ask to be connected to the SARC. 

2. It is recommended that you follow these guidelines: 
- Go to a safe location away from the attacker. 
- Call 911 if you are in an emergency situation or need immediate medical attention.
- Do not change clothes, but if you feel you must, bring soiled clothing in a paper bag--not plastic 
- Do not eat or drink anything 
- Do not shower, brush your teeth or use mouthwash 
- Do not take or apply any type of medication to any injuries 
- Do not use the bathroom, but if you must, bring urine in for testing in a plastic or glass container 
- Do not disturb or clean up the crime scene 

3. Go to the Foster Naval Hospital Emergency Room for medical care and a Sexual Assault Forensic Exam, if you choose. The ER Staff will notify the SARC if you haven't already.

Special Victim's Counsel

The Special Victim's Counsel program began in January 2013 to give victims of sexual assault a voice.

The purpose of the SVC is to provide legal advice, protect the rights and privacy of victims, and empower victims as they engage with the military justice process. Any information given to the SVC attorney or paralegal is CONFIDENTIAL. Your attorney can represent you during interviews, Article 32 hearings, and court martial proceedings.

Who can be represented?
- All active duty Air Force members regardless of a perpetrator's status
- Active duty Air Force adult and minor dependents if the perpetrator is Air Force
- Civilians (only if eligible for legal assistance) if the perpetrator is Air Force All active duty members from another service will be forwarded to the respective branches SVCs.

The SVC and Paralegal representatives for Kadena Air Base are:

graphic of SVC POCs


If you would like SVC representation we accept walk-ins or referrals through the SARC and legal office. Our hours of operation are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  

Kadena Helping Agencies

Agency Phone (DSN)
Kadena Chaplain 634-1288
Kadena Clinic 630-4817
Kadena Mental Health 634-3272
MFLAC 634-3915/4451
Foster Naval Hospital 646-7555 or 098-971-7555
Family Advocacy 634-0433
Equal Opportunity Office 634-2571
Inspector General 634-7622

What is Sexual Assault?


Sexual assault is defined as intentional sexual contact, characterized by use of force, physical threat or abuse of authority or when the victim does not or cannot consent. 

Sexual assault includes rape, nonconsensual sodomy, indecent assault or attempts to commit these acts. 

Sexual assault can occur without regard to gender, spousal relationship or the age of the victim. 

"Consent" shall not be deemed or construed to mean the failure by the victim to offer physical resistance. Consent is not given when a person uses force, threat of force, coercion or when the victim is asleep, incapacitated or unconscious.

Reporting Options

Restricted Reporting Option allows a victim to report a Sexual Assault without triggering a law enforcement investigation. It is intended to give the victim (survivor) time and control over the release of their information. A Restricted Report also empowers the survivor to make an informed decision about participating in the criminal process. 

Unrestricted Reporting Option will initiate a law enforcement investigation for the sexual assault incident. If a report of sexual assault is made to a commander, first sergeant,  a member of your chain of command, Security Forces, and/or Air Force Office of Special Investigation the report will automatically be an Unrestricted Report. 

Who is eligible?
All Active Duty Military
DoD Civilians
Dependents over the age of 18
Reserve & Guard on orders
Any SARC, SAPR Victim Advocate, Medical or Mental Health Provider can take a Restricted or Unrestricted Report of Sexual Assault.