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Kadena Airmen earn CCAF degrees

  • Published
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs
Nearly 260 Kadena Airmen were formally awarded Community College of the Air Force degrees during a graduation ceremony at the Keystone Theater May 22.

Congratulations to the following graduates:

Pitsenbarger Award-
Senior Airman Zachary Piwko, 18th Medical Support Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Ireneo Alfaro, 18th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
Staff Sgt. Charles Thompson, 18th Dental Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Jared Wood, 18th Munitions Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jeremy Stover, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Nikky Domingo, 18th Force Support Squadron

CCAF Graduates-
Tech. Sgt. Marlon Abarca, 18th Communications Squadron
Senior Airman Thomas Agee, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Ireneo Alfaro, 18th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jason Allaire, 18th Security Forces Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jason Allen, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Shanice Allen, 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Jennifer Allyn, 733rd Air Mobility Squadron
Senior Airman Michael Apfelzweig, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. Keisha Bady, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. Ronald Bagley, 18th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
Tech. Sgt. David Ballew, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Pauljun Batoon, 718th Civil Engineer Squadron
Tech. Sgt. William Beaty, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Lydia Bee, 18th Dental Squadron
Senior Airman James Behr, 18th Communications Squadron
Master Sgt. Joshua Benauro, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Andrew Benigno, 31st Rescue Squadron
Staff Sgt. John Berry, 94th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron
Master Sgt. Jason Beyer, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron
Staff Sgt. Kevin Bittner, 18th Communications Squadron
Senior Airman Joseph Bloomer, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Charles Bouldin, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Matthew Brandenburg, 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
Master Sgt. Gerald Braswell, 18th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jay Brown, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Staff Sgt. Andrew Burgos, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Angus Burns, 909th Air Refueling Squadron
Master Sgt. George Burns, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jacques Cabrol, 18th Communications Squadron
Senior Airman Carla Carey, 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
Senior Airman Carly Carter, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. Callen Cavinder, 18th Civil Engineer Group
Master Sgt. Douglas Cataline, 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Errol Catanes, Detachment 1
Staff Sgt. Jeffery Chan, 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Brandon Consola, 18th Contracting Squadron
Master Sgt. Jeremy Coombs, 733rd Air Mobility Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Chet Cooper, Detachment 1
Senior Airman Aaron Cornwall, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Andrew Cowell, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Scott Cox, 18th Contracting Squadron
Master Sgt. Norman Cross, Detachment 1
Staff Sgt. Matthew Cunningham, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Lequonne Curry, 353rd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Wayne Dale, 390th Intelligence Squadron
Staff Sgt. Nicole Davila, 353rd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Albert Davis, Detachment 1
Senior Airman Allison Dejesus, 18th Dental Squadron
Staff Sgt. Michael Denman, 18th Maintenance Operations Squadron
Airman 1st Class Jarrod Dewan, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Senior Airman Michael Dewitt, 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jessica Dobson, 18th Wing
Senior Airman Jessica Doherty, 18th Operations Support Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Derek Doiron, 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Nikky Domingo, 18th Force Support Squadron
Senior Airman Jennifer Dougherty, 18th Communications Squadron
Master Sgt. Brian Dunham, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Senior Airman Paul Duvall, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Richard Ebert, 18th Communications Squadron
Staff Sgt. Katherine Egolf, 17th Special Operations Squadron
Senior Airman Felicia Falvella, 18th Operations Support Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Terrell Farrar, 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Adam Fillman, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Mark Fitzgerald, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Master Sgt. Thomas Flammger, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Alicia Fletcher, 18th Wing
Senior Airman John Forsythe, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Stephanie Fralick, 18th Munitions Squadron
Staff Sgt. Robert Frazier, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Master Sgt. Justin Fryar, 18th Contracting Squadron
Staff Sgt. Charles Galloway, 18th Communications Squadron
Staff Sgt. Ronald Gamo, 18th Force Support Squadron
Staff Sgt. Megan Getz, 18th Medical Support Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Gregory Gibbs, 33rd Rescue Squadron
Staff Sgt. Alesia Goosic, 18th Wing
Staff Sgt. Matthew Gossett, Detachment 3 Air Postal Squadron
Staff Sgt. Stephen Green, 18th Security Forces Squadron
Master Sgt. Thomas Hakala, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. Eric Halle, 18th Maintenance Operations Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Rachel Halmes, 390th Intelligence Squadron
Staff Sgt. James Harrod, 18th Munitions Squadron
Staff Sgt. Daniel Hartsfield, 18th Dental Squadron
Senior Airman David Haskins, 18th Maintenance Operations Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Sandra Hickenbottom, 18th Medical Operations Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Benjamin Hill, 353rd Special Operations Group
Tech. Sgt. Vidal Hill, 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
Staff Sgt. Minh Ho, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. David Hollars, 18th Communications Squadron
Senior Airman Ricardo Huerta, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Samuel Hunter, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. Michelle Iglesias, 390th Intelligence Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Scott Jacobson, 18th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Christopher Jackson, 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Robert Jarvis, 18th Civil Engineer Group
Tech. Sgt. Joe Jenkins, 353rd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. Brent Johnson, 18th Operations Support Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Dwayne Jones, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Tonisha Jones, 18th Medical Operations Squadron
Staff Sgt. John Paul Kaczmar, Detachment 3
Staff Sgt. Brandon Kamai, 18th Aerospace Medicine Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Douglas Karas, 18th Munitions Squadron
Staff Sgt. Andrew Kelley, 33rd Rescue Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Ashley Kilgore, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Nathanial Kopplin, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Francis Lapinig, 18th Security Forces Squadron
Master Sgt. David Lawson, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Brian Layton, 372nd Training Squadron Detachment 15
Master Sgt. Chastity Lee, 18th Wing
Tech. Sgt. Brian Lefuel, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Julius Lett, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Master Sgt. Benjamin Lester, 18th Wing
Staff Sgt. Alfredo Lopez, 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Rolando Lopez, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Staff Sgt. Michael Luu, 390th Intelligence Squadron
Airman 1st Class Joshua Luce, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Mary Lyncker, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Amber Madayag, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Ryan Gibbs, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Master Sgt. Thomas Mahoney, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Girlie Malanog, 18th Dental Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jason Mann, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. David Martie, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Eric Martinez, 18th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Michele Mathews, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Senior Airman William Matt, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Ryan Mcallister, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Kyla Mcknight, 18th Contracting Squadron
Master Sgt. Jay Mclaren, 18th Dental Squadron
Staff Sgt. Theodore Mclendon, 18th Communications Squadron
Staff Sgt. Kristen Mcrae, 733rd Air Mobility Squadron
Staff Sgt. Michael Mendez, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Armondo Mercado, 18th Operations Support Squadron
Master Sgt. Jacob Messina, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Brandon Metz, 733rd Air Mobility Squadron
Master Sgt. Tony Meyers, 353rd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Justin Minor, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Jacquelyn Molinaro, 18th Communications Squadron
Staff Sgt. Anthony Morris, 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Tanya Moulding, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Mosco Myles, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Shane Murray, 718th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Shannon Murray, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Timothy Nadolny, 18th Wing
Tech. Sgt. James Nilsen, 18th Operations Support Squadron
Senior Airman Amanda Oberdank, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Megan Oliveri, 18th Munitions Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Torrey Ollermann, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Kerly Ordonez, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Master Sgt. Jeffrey Parker, 733rd Air Mobility Squadron
Senior Airman John Pawlak, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron
Staff Sgt. Rebecca Pecina, Detachment 3
Senior Airman Zachary Piwko, 18th Medical Support Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Marc Primus, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Master Sgt. Wyeshia Richardson, 909th Air Refueling Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Jeremy Rector, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron
Staff Sgt. Nathanael Roberts, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Cuz Rodriguez, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Stephanie Ross, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Master Sgt. Daniel Sala, 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron
Staff Sgt. Kareem Samuel, 18th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Patrick Schilber, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Justin Schramm, 33rd Rescue Squadron
Tech. Sgt. David Schumacher, 31st Rescue Squadron
Staff Sgt. Mark Scott, 718th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Noel Shauf, 320th Special Tactics Squadron
Master Sgt. Travis Shaw, 31st Rescue Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Ian Sheehan, 33rd Rescue Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Anthony Sheffey, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron
Master Sgt. Andrew Smith, 18th Munitions Squadron
Master Sgt. Cedric Smith, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Master Sgt. Mark Smith, 18th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Courtney Snyder, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Alfonso Cortes Solis, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Adam Sorci, 18th Communications Squadron
Staff Sgt. Christopher Sorley, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Master Sgt. William Stackalis, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. James Stallings, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Christopher Steamer, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Justin Stoltzfus, 18th Civil Engineer Group
Staff Sgt. Jeremy Stover, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Ashley Stuart, 82nd Reconnaissance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Lance Stultz, 353rd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. Darrell Swanson, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Benjamin Taylor, 320th Special Tactics Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Julian Taylor, 353rd Special Operations Support Squadron
Master Sgt. Robert Taylor, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Gerard Tilley, 320th Special Tactics Squadron
Staff Sgt. Christopher Thomann, 733rd Air Mobility Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Chad Thomas, 733rd Air Mobility Squadron
Staff Sgt. Charles Thompson, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Matthew Thompson, 18th Equipment Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Souridet Thongrivong, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Flordeluna Tolentino, 18th Maintenance Operations Squadron
Airman 1st Class Juan Trevino, 18th Operations Support Squadron
Staff Sgt. Oscar Urquidi, 18th Dental Squadron
Staff Sgt. Michael Usher, 390th Intelligence Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Jeremy Vanleeuwe, 353rd Special Operations Maintenance Squadron
Staff Sgt. Carlos Villegas, 18th Component Maintenance Squadron
Master Sgt. William Webb, Detachment 1
Master Sgt. Dustin Wilkerson, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Staff Sgt. Amanda Willis, 18th Medical Support Squadron
Staff Sgt. Marquelle Willis, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron
Staff Sgt. Richard Wirth, 390th Intelligence Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Jared Wood, 18th Munitions Squadron
Tech. Sgt. Michael Yeager, 18th Logistics Readiness Squadron
Staff Sgt. Juan Zelaya, 18th Force Support Squadron