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Strong typhoon sets eye on Okinawa this weekend

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Maeson L. Elleman
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs
All of Okinawa is hunkering down in anticipation as Typhoon Bolaven approaches the doorstep of the small Pacific island and the Asian East coast.

Bolaven, with sustained winds expected to reach roughly 120 knots (140 mph) and gusts projected to reach nearly 150 knots (roughly 170 mph), is projected to hit the island early Sunday morning.

With such a potent threat inbound, Brig. Gen. Matt Molloy, 18th Wing commander, stressed that it's paramount for the island's inhabitants to properly prepare before the storm hits.

"This is the most powerful typhoon forecast to hit the island in 13 years," the commander said. "I can't stress enough how dangerous Typhoon Bolaven is. Take the time today and tomorrow to secure your outdoor items and get the supplies you need to weather this storm. Tie down your outdoor items and work with your neighbors to help them - especially those whose spouses are deployed, TDY or TAD."

Friday, Kadena initiated tropical cyclone condition of readiness (TCCOR) 3, meaning winds of 50 knots or greater are anticipated within 72 hours.

Though TCCORs outline an estimated time of arrival for the storm, warmer or cooler seas can speed up or slow down the cyclone unpredictably.

In the mean time, Status of Forces Agreement-status personnel on the island need to use their chains of command for the most accurate information. They should also monitor the Kadena Air Base Facebook page at for updates as they become available.

For more information on typhoon preparations, visit the typhoon section of the Okinawa Emergency Action Guide here.

"This is not just another typhoon," the general said. "If we all follow the typhoon procedures and take care of each other, we will all make it safe through this typhoon. God bless and stay safe!"