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Kadena spouses put their own stamp on Air Force Dining-In tradition

  • Published
  • By 18th Wing Public Affairs
Nearly 200 Air Force spouses came together last Saturday for Kadena's first-ever Spouses' Dining-In at the Rocker NCO Club.

The event definitely broke the mold on the standard dining in. Featuring some imaginative costumes, a contest for most creative table decorations, a 90-second talent competition, and an innovative take on the traditional grog bowl, the Dining-In gave officer and enlisted spouses an opportunity to experience an Air Force tradition while at the same time making it their own.

According to Cindy Wilsbach, the lead organizer for the event, the goal was to bring spouses together to thank them for their contributions and have some fun in the process. She said that taking part in two similar events during a previous assignment convinced her that she needed to bring the tradition to Kadena. 

"It's a great way to celebrate the accomplishments, service, and sacrifice of spouses by honoring them with an event -- by spouses, for spouses," said Mrs. Wilsbach. 

"It also builds squadron unity and camaraderie as the groups work together on costumes, skits and table décor. So it's more than just a fun night out -- it's really about strengthening bonds and building friendships." 

The theme of the evening was "One Wild Ride," a reference to the ups and downs of life as a military spouse, such as frequent PCS moves, deployments, and constant change. While Air Force spouses are forced to adjust their lives and daily routines to fit the military member's obligations, this evening was 100 percent about the spouses. The rules of the mess even cautioned participants against shoptalk with the warning, "Thou shalt not speak of thy spouse's job." 

Planning for the dining in began in August as a team of senior leadership spouses began meeting to put the event together. According to Michele Richoux, the planning effort was a great team building experience where nobody took themselves too seriously. 

Mrs. Richoux stressed that one of the benefits of the Dining-In was that the spouses got to know each other a little better, and had an opportunity to strengthen bonds that are necessary during deployments and other stressful times. 

Kelly Samuelson and her fellow spouses from the 961st Airborne Air Control Squadron came dressed as contestants in the Miss America pageant, complete with sashes and crowns. While they did not take top honors in the costume competition, Mrs. Samuelson said the chance to come together in a relaxed, fun setting with other spouses was the real reward. 

"The Dining-In allowed spouses to let their hair down while strengthening camaraderie among spouses, both within squadrons as well as between different units," said Mrs. Samuelson. "It was great to see all the spouses supporting each other in friendly competition as well as seeing their creative sides come through." 

Because of the success of the event, Mrs. Wilsbach hopes to make the Spouses' Dining-In an annual tradition here with an even bigger turnout next year. 

The winners of the competitions were: 

- Wing Staff Agency Spouses: Best Costumes
- 33rd Rescue Squadron Spouses: Best Talent
- 18th Operations Support Squadron Spouses: Best Table Decorations