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Kadena Air Base prepares for potential water shortage

  • Published
  • By Kelly Livingston and Michael Carsley
As one of the main attractions of Okinawa is the beautiful waters surrounding the island, water conservation can seem like a minor concern. Yet, Okinawa's drinking water supply is highly dependent on rainfall.

Okinawa averages 84 inches of rain a year. Most of this precipitation arrives between April and October. Rainfall is captured in a series of reservoirs spread across the island and then it is treated and distributed into the water supply system. If rain doesn't fill the reservoirs, the water supply must be reduced. 

The reservoirs are the primary source of the island's water supply system. As this year has been drier than most, the reservoirs are not at capacity. With monsoon and typhoon season rapidly approaching there is still hope the reservoirs will recover. However, without significant rainfall in the next several weeks Okinawa may be facing water rationing. 

At Kadena, a ban on washing cars in housing areas and outside watering has been in place since 1999. If the reservoir levels continue to drop, further water conservation measures may be put into place. In order to conserve our water resources and prevent mandatory water rationing, the base community is encouraged to use the following water conservation tips. 

· Only use your dishwasher when you have a full load. Dishwashers use about four gallons of water per load.
· Do not leave the water running while brushing your teeth or shaving. Leaving the faucet running for 3 minutes can waste 8 gallons of water. 
· While showering, reduce the time the water is running. Turn off the water while soaping and scrubbing. The average shower consumes 2.5 gallons per minute. Running the water for 6 minutes instead of 12 minutes saves 15 gallons of water. 
· Install low flow shower heads, which can reduce water consumption from 2.5 gallons per minute to 1 gallon per minute. You can save 18 gallons of water during a 12 minute shower. Low flow devices are available at the Eagle Hardware Store at Kadena. 
· Use instant hand sanitizer gel to clean your hands whenever your hands are not visibly soiled.
· Only wash full loads of laundry. The average washing machine uses 25 gallons of water per load.
· If it takes a long time to get hot water, save the initial cold water in a container and use it to fill the toilet tank or water houseplants.
· Ensure your faucets have aerators installed. The average faucet uses 2.5 gallons per minute. An aerator will reduce the flow to 2 gallons per minute. Ultra-low flow aerators are useful in half-baths or other areas only used to wash hands. They will reduce the flow to 0.5 gallons per minute. Aerators are available at the Eagle Hardware Store on Kadena.
· Use dehumidifier water or rainwater to water houseplants or fill the toilet tank.
· Never use your toilet as a wastebasket. Each toilet flush takes an average of four gallons. 

Water Conservation Measures 

With water reservoir volumes declining we are approaching Yellow Flag conditions which will require following activities: 

· Government operated vehicles washed monthly instead of weekly
· AAFES carwash only open on weekends
· Fund raising car washes on hold
· Restrict the use of water for washing shop floors
· Serve water at restaurants only when requested
· Fill one quart containers with water and place in toilet tanks
· Minimize golf course watering
· Increase use of plastic and paper dinnerware/utensils at base dining facilities

Further restrictions, based on ebbing water levels, include:

· Continue Yellow Flag measures
· Close AAFES and GOV car wash operations
· Close base swimming pools and save water for firefighting purposes
· Personal swimming pools will not be filled
· Encourage MFH residents to voluntarily choose an 8-hour period at home to not use water
· Encourage Base employees to voluntarily choose a 4-hour period at work to not use water

Please do your part and conserve water where you can. By being a good steward of water we enhance our relations with our Okinawa neighbors and ensure continued mission support.