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Team Kadena prepares for triennial PACAF audit

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Nestor Cruz
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs
Team Kadena is preparing for an external Environmental, Safety and Occupational Health Compliance Assessment and Management Program audit that will be conducted from Jan. 26 through Feb. 3. 

During the audit, Pacific Air Forces assessment teams will visit various units and evaluate Kadena's compliance with Federal, Department of Defense, Air Force and Japanese Status of Forces Agreement laws and regulations. The PACAF team will review various protocols involving hazardous materials, drinking water, hearing protection, chemical hazards and personnel protection equipment. 

"ESOHCAMP is an Air Force-wide program that relies on both internal and external evaluations," said Andrea Bishop, 718th Civil Engineer Squadron Asset Management Flight chief. 

Kadena conducts internal assessments annually, giving base officials a chance to review ESOH programs and identify strengths and weaknesses prior to the triennial assessment. 

Kadena's last external assessment was conducted in 2006. 

"The 2006 assessment covered 13 environmental programs and 13 safety and occupational health programs," Ms. Bishop said. "No significant findings were noted during that assessment, which is a clear reflection of the dedication of Team Kadena to the operational implications of environmental, safety and occupational health issues." 

Following the ESOHCAMP assessment, the external team will share best management practices from other bases with exceptional programs and help Airmen draft plans to correct any deficiencies. 

Ms. Bishop said the ESOHCAMP audit is Kadena's chance to shine on the PACAF stage. 

"Providing safe and healthy places to work and a clean environment to live in is not the result of gearing up for an ESOHCAMP, but something that we strive to practice every day at Kadena," the asset management flight chief said. 

There are several steps Airmen can take to help Kadena excel in the ESOHCAMP audit, Ms. Bishop said. 

"People should familiarize themselves with the ESOH activities that occur in their respective work centers and review the ESOH policies that are in place," she said. 
"Together we can ensure that we're responsible environmental stewards, provide a safe working environment to the world's finest team and continue to be good neighbors to our Japanese hosts." 

For more information, call 718th CES Natural Resources Management at 634-2600.