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Kadena residents reminded about holiday lighting guidelines

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Angelique Perez
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs
Energy officials are reminding Kadena residents to be mindful of energy consumption this holiday season, especially when using holiday lights to decorate their homes and offices. 

This means observing holiday lighting hours, which run from dusk until 10 p.m. nightly. After 10 p.m. holiday lights must be turned off. The only exceptions are Christmas Eve and Day and New Year's Eve and Day. 

According to Mr. Jonny Muckey, the 718th Civil Engineers Squadron's Resource Energy Manager, approximately 95 percent of the electricity consumed by light bulbs is converted to heat. This means that the heat put out by conventional holiday bulbs can pose a significant burn and fire hazard. 

Kadena residents are encouraged to use LED lights for both safety and energy conservation purposes. According to Mr. Muckey, LED lights are about 400 percent more effective than the standard holiday bulbs. Additionally, they are unbreakable and don't burn out, saving users both money and time that would be wasted replacing burnt-out bulbs every year.

"Every little bit helps Kadena reach its mandated goal to save 3 percent in energy costs year over year," he added. 

Lt. Col. David Wilder, 718th Civil Engineer Squadron commander, said that Kadena Air Base is projected to have a five million dollar shortfall in covering its utility bills this fiscal year. The overhead will be pulled from unit funding, which could negatively affect other areas of the Kadena mission.

"Each individual on Kadena can do their part by practicing practical energy conservation measures," said Col. Wilder. "Turning off holiday lights after 10 p.m. as well as taking them down after Jan. 3 will contribute to keeping the mission going."