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Holiday greetings team coming to Kadena

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Kenya Shiloh
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs
An Army and Air Force Hometown News Service team will visit Kadena Air Base to tape holiday greetings for active-duty service members and DOD civilians Sept. 15 and 16. 

Every year hometown news teams are dispatched to all corners of the globe to record greetings of service members currently deployed or stationed overseas. These teams are scheduled to visit nearly 20 countries during their tour with stops in Europe, the Pacific and forward deployed locations. 

This year the team will broadcast outside the Tee House restaurant starting at 8 a.m. on a first-come, first- served basis and will continue to take customers until 6 p.m. Military members must be in uniform of the day and are encouraged to bring their families to the taping. 

Customers will record a 15 to 20-second greeting that will be sent to television stations within the broadcasting area of their hometowns. There is no limit on how many hometowns a family can send a greeting to; however, a separate greeting must be made for each hometown. 

"I'm looking forward to the opportunity to send a holiday greeting to my family and friends in the states," said Staff Sgt Alex Richardson, 18th Maintenance Operations Squadron. "I'm hoping the video will make it a little bit easier that I'm over here during the holidays and not with them."

A hometown news team member will assist families with paperwork and go over a pre-written script, if desired, at the Tee House. Families are encouraged to use their own words and messages, but the member's name, rank, family members' names, location and hometown must be used. If people are not comfortable in front of the camera, they can send a printed holiday greeting to their hometown newspapers.