
Climate Assessments -- your unit, your voice

  • Published
  • By Capt. Rose Englebert
  • 18th Wing Equal Opportunity director
"The difference between something good and something great is attention to detail." 

I believe this quote from Charles R. Swindoll speaks to an ideal attitude about unit climate assessment participation. You may think that your input doesn't matter or that you will not make a difference in the overall success of your unit. However, that thought pattern is opposite from reality. 

UCAs are designed to anonymously assess the overall human relations climate of the unit, measure its affects on overall mission accomplishment, and provide commanders a tool to properly address perceptions held by members of their units. So, who better to provide insight about these things than the people who live it? That's right; you are the best source of information to contribute to the continued success of your unit. 

Although UCAs are advertised as anonymous, there are still some skeptics who think there is a mechanism in place to find out exactly who responded to or commented on any particular part of the survey. This is untrue for a number of reasons. 

First, names and other personally identifying information are not collected as part of the assessment. 

Secondly, you may wonder about the intended use and anonymity factor as it applies to other data such as race, sex, rank, etc. This information is collected to provide insight into perceptions held by diverse groups, and when applicable, pinpoint where attention is needed in regards to areas assessed by the survey. Additionally, if unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment is alleged by a particular demographic area, this information will help commanders determine where to focus attention and eliminate its affects. 

Lastly, the survey includes an added layer of protection to anonymity. Whenever there are six or less respondents in any demographic area, such as four Native American airmen 1st class, their individual responses will not appear in the "per question" breakdown provided to commanders. 

This summer, 20 Kadena Air Base units will participate in UCAs administered by the 18th Wing Equal Opportunity Office. The on-line survey consists of six areas with 43 questions (the commander has the option to include 10 additional questions) and should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on the amount of comments provided. 

The UCA process includes survey administration, individual participation, analysis, and report with out-brief provided to individual commanders. The process, although similar in those aspects will involve one major difference...you. Your input can focus on the good, the great, the bad, and the ugly of the human relations climate and unit operations. 

So, again I quote, "the difference between good and great is attention to detail." Therefore you are invited to anonymously provide the "details" about your unit to your commander and contribute to its continued success. 

Unit climate assessments, your unit, your voice ... speak up!