BH 25-1: EOD keeps Kadena safe

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Jonathan Sifuentes
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs

An Explosive Ordnance Disposal team honed their ability to safely detonate simulated unexploded ordnances (UXO) during a routine readiness exercise Jan. 14, 2025. 

EOD professionals with the 18th Civil Engineer Squadron practiced neutralizing a simulated UXO in a populated area while evaluating all the risks associated with the scenario and proceeding in a rapid, controlled fashion. 

“Mitigating all the threats we can, avoiding any extra damage and ensuring no one gets hurt is our main objective,” said U.S Air Force Senior Airman Gio Varano, 18 CES EOD technician.

These technicians use a range of sophisticated equipment including bomb suits, remote-controlled robots, x-ray systems and chemical detection devices. The more hands-on training the Airmen receive with their equipment, the more fluidly they will be able to eliminate real-world threats to U.S. partners and allies across the Indo-Pacific area. 

“These exercises give Airmen the opportunity to review the basics,” said U.S Air Force Staff Sgt. Tyler McConnell 18 CES EOD team lead. “Then translate theoretical knowledge into practical procedures that they can use during real world events.”

Large scale readiness exercises allow Kadena units to practice working seamlessly alongside one another to accomplish the mission under adverse conditions.