HVAC/R shop promotes higher energy conservation awareness

  • Published
  • By Tech Sgt. Angelique Perez
  • 18th Wing Public Affairs
Workload triples for Kadena's HVAC/R shop during the summer, the peak season for Air Conditioning breakdowns. 

The Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration shop, part of the 18th Civil Engineer Squadron, responds to an average of 300 calls in the summertime, said Master Sgt. Brad Plambeck, NCO in charge of HVAC/R at Kadena. In the off season, work orders are down to about a hundred. 

HVAC/R supports over 2,000 Operational and Maintenance facilities across Kadena, Okuma, White Beach, and Yaedake and maintains over 28,000 pieces of mechanical equipment, Sergeant Plambeck said. 

Energy conservation is high on the list of priorities for the shop, he added. Beginning in 2006, Executive Order mandated that federal facilities reduce the rate of energy use by 3 percent per year, totaling 30 percent by the year 2015. Already this year, Kadena is up 4.65 percent in O&M facilities from the same period last year. 

The sergeant said that In order to maintain compliance, Kadena has set standards for energy conservation with the "18th Wing Policy on Conservation of Utilities."
The standard for O&M facilities is to operate air conditioners only during normal business hours and maintain a minimum of 76 degrees. 

"These standards have been in place for a few years, but annually it seems to be a surprise to the base population," Sergeant Plambeck said. "We need people to understand that it isn't going to be as cool in their office as they may like. There is reason for it, so avoid calling in service calls if your work area is within the 76 degree authorized limit." 

Facility Managers are responsible for ensuring the Air Conditioning levels are within base guidelines if the building has a thermostat that is occupant adjusted, he added. Other buildings are controlled by HVAC/R using the Central Management Control System. 

Mr. Charles Transley, 18th CES deputy commander, said, "The USAF Infrastructure Energy Strategic Plan's vision is to "make energy a consideration in all we do!" is supported by four pillars; to Improve Current Infrastructure, Improve Future Infrastructure, Expand Renewables, and Manage Cost. To this end, Airmen should use only the amount of energy needed to accomplish the mission or task at hand." 

Sergeant Plambeck said it is important to stay within the base policy temperatures for the following reasons. Staying within standards reduces mildew formation, improves safety and productivity, it increases equipment life and air conditioner capacity, provides extra funds for quality of life improvements, and reduces air pollution. 

Mr. Transley urges people to stay in line with the new motto "Turn Stuff Off, Before You Go." 

"Basically, use common sense," he said. "Turn lights off when you leave the room; turn off the TV or computer if you aren't using it. Keep doors and windows shut when the A/C or heat is on...TSOB4UGo at the end of the workday and before regular and long holiday weekends." 

One easy way to save energy is to replace your regular light bulbs with Compact Fluorescent Lamp bulb. CFL's are available at Self Help, Eagle Hardware, Commissary, and the Base Exchange.

He added that HVAC/R, like everyone in today's Air Force, are trying to accomplish more work, with less manpower and less budget and to assure everyone that they are important as customers. HVAC/R will respond to calls as they come in and according to its level of urgency. 

"The success of our mission is totally dependent upon energy; it takes a tremendous amount of electricity and fuel oil to keep Kadena's mission on track," Mr. Transley said. "It directly impacts mission capability, our continued use of energy as we have in the past poses a threat to the mission and national security. Energy conservation allows more resources (money) to be directed towards the mission and quality of life." 

For more information and tips on how to help conserve energy, people may contact their Facility Manager or the HVAC/R shop.