Government Travel Card for PCS made easy

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt. Lisa Azzoline
  • 18th Comptroller Squadron
Whether you are single or have one or more dependents, preparing for Permanent Change of Station is both stressful and time consuming. 

If you have a Government Travel Card, PCS is considered official travel. Per Public Law 15-264 and SAF policy, it is mandatory to use the card for expenses incurred while in transit. There are many steps you can take to ensure your card is ready for use. 

Every unit on Kadena AB has at least one Agency Program Coordinator. This individual is responsible for managing the program and all active accounts within the unit. It is imperative that you contact this individual at least two weeks prior to your relocation. 

There are numerous out processing steps the APC must accomplish with each cardholder. Most importantly for the traveler, the APC will ensure the card is activated and that there is sufficient credit limit to cover all expenses. Many card holders are ready to purchase their tickets only to find out the transaction will not accept because one or both of these actions were not accomplished. 

Airfare costs can add up quickly when traveling to and from an overseas location; especially if there are dependents traveling with the member or the member is taking circuitous travel or leave en route. 

A member's account credit limit can be raised to a maximum level by the unit APC based on what type of account the member has (standard or restricted). The next level of increase can only be accomplished at MAJCOM level and takes at least two duty days. 

If you are projected to be in transit for more than 30 days due to leave or TDY en route, the APC can assist the member in requesting the account be placed in a "Mission Critical" or "PCS status". This prevents any current balance from becoming delinquent, giving the member up to 120 days to travel to the new duty station, file the relocation voucher, and claim split disbursement. 

The Government Travel Card Program is designed to assist members in paying for authorized expenses incurred during official travel. These expenses are reimbursable upon settlement of the member's relocation voucher. It is the member's responsibility to use the card appropriately and ensure the balance is paid off before delinquency occurs.
For more information please contact your unit Agency Program Coordinator.