The 18th Force Support Squadron traces its lineage back as far as 1948 when the 18th Food Service Squadron was created. Throughout its activation to present, the 18th FSS has been renamed several times while maintaining campaign streamers and citations as far back as March 1953.
The mission of the 18th FSS is to deliver non-stop mission-readiness by taking care of people. The 18th FSS provides community wellness activities and resiliency activities, family and readiness support to the 22,000 military members, DoD civilians, contractors and family members that comprise Team Kadena, and additional 11,000 people from our Sister Services on Okinawa.
With 1,560 members and an operating budget and capital assets of $119.3M, the 18th FSS operates 58 activities similar to what stateside force support squadrons offer, only with a greater emphasis on tour packages, vehicle operations, pet boarding, childcare, youth and teen activities and recreational venues such as Okuma and Bellows Air Force Station.
The 18th FSS is a four-time winner of the General Curtis E. LeMay Award for excellence as the Best Large Support Squadron in the Air Force.