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Child Care Options

Extended Duty Care (EDC) - Offers free additional care hours during the day, night or weekend as you fulfill your extra duty requirements. When you need care beyond the regular 50-hour per week child care arrangements such as working late, working on the weekends, base exercises, temporary shift change, deployments, EDC is available at no charge. Contact the FCC office for more information.


PCS Care - Twenty hours of FREE care for your children by a licensed provider as you prepare to depart/arrive. Open to all ranks. Contact the Airman and Family Readiness for more information at 634-3366.


Care for Volunteers - FREE care for your children by a licensed provider while you volunteer your time. Contact the Airman and Family Readiness Center for more information at 634-3366.


Returning Home Care (RHC) - Offers 16 hours of FREE care per child in an EDC home for military members returning from deployment.


FCC Subsidy Program - Offers full time care in a licensed FCC home at the same fees as the CDC/SAP. Weekly fees are determined by total family income.