Okinawa City Soccer Field Excavation
Frequently Asked Questions - A list of frequently asked questions on Excavated Barrels in Okinawa City
with answers from the 18th Civil Engineer Squadron and Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight.
Dioxin Fact Sheet - A fact sheet on dioxins and dioxin‐like substances.
January Air/Soil Survey Results - January 2014 test results of the soil and air samples taken from the area.
January Town Hall Brief - The slides from the town hall briefing held in Jaunary 2014.
**UPDATED Feb. 27, 2014**
Soil Results Memo 20140224 - A memo regarding the soil sampling results and heath risk assessment of Bob Hope Primary School (BHPS) and Amelia Earhart Intermediate School (AEIS) Recreational Area. On Feb. 1, 2014, the Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight of the 18th Medical Group (MDG) collected 12 composite soil samples from the on-base student activity areas behind BHPS and AEIS (see map at
Attachment 1).
Soil Results 20140224 (Attachment 2) - These are the results from the soil sampling performed on Feb. 1, 2014. This is Attachment 2 as referred to in the above memo. The test results are dated Feb. 21, 2014.
**UPDATED July 17, 2014**
Commentary - Kadena reviews latest barrel test results - A commentary from the wing commander on the latest results.
Okinawa Defense Bureau Results - A link to all the results from the Okinawa Defense Bureau entirely in Japanese.
**UPDATED July 25, 2014**
Okinawa Defense Bureau Results - Summary English translation. This is the 33-page executive summary covering the second round of testing performed by the Okinawa Defense Bureau.
**UPDATED July 29, 2014**
Okinawa City Survey Results - A link to the results from the Okinawa City Environmental Division survey of the second round of testing entirely in Japanese.
**UPDATED July 31, 2014**
Okinawa City Survey Results - Summary English translation of the results from the Okinawa City Environmental Division survey of the second round of testing.
**UPDATED Aug. 7, 2014**
Okinawa City soccer field excavation update - Brig. Gen. James B. Hecker, 18th Wing commander, informs the Kadena Air Base community of results from the most recent Okinawa City Soccer Field excavation and emphasizes the safety of our children. Based on the test results and analysis, Kadena, Okinawa Defense Bureau and Okinawa Prefectural Government experts agree there is no health risk to the local population from the excavation site.
**UPDATED Feb. 15, 2015**
Okinawa Defense Bureau Results - A link to all the results from the Okinawa Defense Bureau entirely in Japanese. The latest survey results are marked "NEW."
Okinawa City soccer field excavation update - Brig. Gen. James B. Hecker, 18th Wing commander, informs the Kadena Air Base community of results from the most recent Okinawa City Soccer Field excavation.
**UPDATED March 24, 2015**
Okinawa Prefecture Environmental Conservation Division surveys - A link to the results of the Okinawa Prefecture Environmental Conservation Division environmental survey results. The latest covers Kadena well water and previous surveys cover storm drain water. The website is in Japanese.
**UPDATED March 25, 2015**
Okinawa City soccer field excavation update - Maj. Tamala Gulley, Bioenvironmental Engineering flight commander, explains the 18th Wing's Bioenvironmental Engineering flight's role in on base testing during the excavation of the soccer field, and the latest results from ODB and OPG.
**UPDATED July 9, 2015**
Okinawa City soccer field excavation update - Maj. Tamala Gulley, Bioenvironmental Engineering flight commander, provides an update to the Okinawa City soccer field excavation.
Okinawa Defense Bureau Survey results, June 29 - Results concerning 17 barrels found at the Okinawa City soccer field
(Current as of July 2015)
Okinawa City soccer field status of confirmation-survey of barrels, June 29 - Map and detailed coordinates of where barrels have been found on the Okinawa City soccer field.
**UPDATED Aug. 12, 2015**
Okinawa City soccer field excavation update - Maj. Tamala Gulley, Bioenvironmental Engineering flight commander, provides an update to the Okinawa City soccer field excavation.
(Current as of June 2016)