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  • 909th ARS keeps bombers airborne

    A U.S. Air Force 5th Bomb Wing B-52H Stratofortress approaches a 909th Air Refueling Squadron KC-135 Stratotanker for aerial refueling over the Pacific Ocean, Oct. 27, 2022. Aerial refueling capabilities extend airborne training time and combat radius, ensuring U.S. and Allied nation aircraft are

  • Connecting Kadena to the Indo-Pacific

    Every day Airmen wake up and put on their uniform to perform a job essential to executing the mission. While getting the mission done is critical, understanding the strategic environment in which Airmen serve is equally important. U.S. Air Force Tech. Sgt. Matthew Begeman, 353rd Special Operations

  • Pacific Iron 2021: A Fast, Flexible Force

    U.S. Air Force service members from the Pacific Air Forces participated in Operation Pacific Iron, a PACAF dynamic force employment operation taking place in July 2021. Kadena Air Base, home of the 18th Wing, was an indispensable asset in the operation, providing communications throughout PACAF via

  • 909th ARS takes flight during Northern Edge 2019

    Units participating in Northern Edge have access to the Joint Pacific Alaska Range Complex, which is one of the largest training ranges in the world, with approximately 65,000 square miles of available airspace; 2,500 square miles of land and 42,000 square nautical miles of surface, subsurfaces and