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  • Airmen leave a green thumbprint on the environment

    A local program here brings hope for many more generations to keep Okinawa as it should be, "Chura Shima," meaning a beautiful island. The recreational department on Kadena launched a program a few months ago called, HOPE. This voluntary program, Heroes of Planet Earth, invites military personnel in

  • Kadena officials work to provide quality on-base housing

    The movers have come, household goods packed, and the residents have been cleared -- now, the housing maintenance crews can perform their magic and prepare the home to receive the new occupants. This work is referred to by the housing maintenance staff as change of occupancy maintenance, according

  • Kadena command chief takes flight

    The 18th Wing Command Chief Master Sergeant took flight May 27, soaring through the sky in the backseat of an F-15 with his boss, Brig. Gen. Brett Williams. "I'm excited to fly today, but let's see how I feel in the end; I've never flown in a fighter," said Chief Master Sgt. Michael Warner, who was

  • Merger provides Airmen chance to ‘weld’ new skills

    Pacific Air Forces vehicle mechanics solder their training skills in a merged career field by learning a new trade at a welding school here. "Airmen going to the transportation squadron do not receive this form of training at their technical school," said Master Sgt. Charles Lakin, superintendent of

  • To lead is to serve

    Leadership, hard work, and dedication raised him above the gravel mounds in the civil engineering world of "dirt boy" to become one of the most honored 12 Outstanding Airmen of the Year. Master Sgt. Christopher Pollock, 18th Civil Engineer Squadron superintendent of heavy repair, was among those

  • Government Travel Card for PCS made easy

    Whether you are single or have one or more dependents, preparing for Permanent Change of Station is both stressful and time consuming. If you have a Government Travel Card, PCS is considered official travel. Per Public Law 15-264 and SAF policy, it is mandatory to use the card for expenses incurred

  • Reveille requires our 'attention'

    Recently, members of Team Kadena started hearing the familiar sound of reveille in the mornings. While many may associate this sound with the screaming discomfort of their basic training days, this is the sign of the start of the duty day. Like its evening counterpart, "retreat," it offers each

  • Team Kadena spouses get a taste of Security Forces life

    The 18th Wing Security Forces held a Civilian Police Academy course for Team Kadena spouses to give them an inside look at what happens behind the scenes of a security forces patrolman. Lt. Col. DeMouy, the 18th Security Forces commander explained "This is a course geared towards not only educating

  • New 18th Wing commander arrives in July

    Brig. Gen. (S) Kenneth Wilsbach, assistant director, Operations, Plans, Requirements and Programs, Headquarters Pacific Air Forces, Hickam Air Force Base, Hawaii, will succeed Brig. Gen. Brett Williams as the 18th Wing commander July 9, 2009. Prior to his current assignment at Hickam, Brig. Gen. (S)

  • Commentary: Complaints and Fraud Waste & Abuse (FWA) Processes

    It is probably fair to say that some of you have already been exposed to the Air Force Inspector General processes and have your own perceptions. My goal is to help you understand the role of the Air Force IG. IGs don't work for other IGs ... they work for their respective wing commanders. I wish I

  • Commentary: Customs and Courtesies in a Digital Age

    Have you ever told your supervisor that you challenge his or her integrity and refuse to comply when they give you a direct order? Is that an acceptable practice in the military? How about skip echelon management where when you hit a brick wall you immediately escalate the issue 4 links up the

  • Remembering our Fallen: Memorial Day 2009

    On May 25 service members gathered at Kadena Air Base to pay homage to the more than a million Americans who have died in past wars including Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom. Brig. Gen. Brett T. Williams presided over the annual Memorial Day Ceremony and spoke of past sacrifices of our fallen

  • Commentary: How can I prepare for the 2009 Unit Compliance Inspection?

    You're sharp. You're motivated. You want to contribute to the team. I know you're asking the same question I've asked myself many times before... How can I help the 18th Wing prepare for the 2009 HQ PACAF Inspector General (IG) Unit Compliance Inspection (UCI)? Glad you asked! Today, I'd like to

  • Suicide prevention: A leadership challenge for all

    Every time a life is lost in Pacific Air Forces I am alerted. All are tragic in different ways, but among the most troubling is when it involves a suicide. During the course of my 35 years on active duty, I've learned that we cannot prevent every suicide attempt. More importantly, I've learned that

  • Commentary: Meeting Air Force demands through networking

    Our service has been forced to adapt and change in order to support the environment in which we live. Most notable is the drawdown in the size of our service. Despite all of the consolidation initiatives and self-service programs, the success of these solutions (and our survival) hinges on every