HomeAgenciesVisitor Control Center

Pass and Registration                            

Visiting Kadena Air Base

Whether visiting for work, friends or family, the 18th Security Forces Squadron Visitor Control Center, located at the entrance of Kadena Gate 1, should be the first stop for those needing access to the base. Handling everything from visitors passes to restricted area badges, the Airmen working at the VCC want to be of service. To save time and unnecessary trips, this page is dedicated to outlining all the appropriate paperwork needed for different types of passes, badges and permits.

At this time we are APPOINTMENT ONLY

To make an appointment:

For SOFA permits, Restricted Area Badges, and Temporary Unescorted Passes (under 6 months) visit:


For Permanent Unescorted Passes (over 6 months) visit:



A Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Permit stands as a contract of sorts between the Government of Japan and the United States allowing licensed military members, DoD civilians and their families to drive while stationed in Japan. The Schilling Community Center provides the required courses for both currently licensed drivers and family members that may not have a stateside license or SOFA Permit yet. For more information on the initial licensing requirements, please visit the Schilling Community Center on Kadena. For all other SOFA related inquiries, review the below links.


  • For first time issue, all personnel must pass test from Wing Safety located at link below.  The material, test and answer sheet are on the sharepoint.https://kadena.eis.pacaf.af.mil/18WG/WSA/SE/SEG/SOFA%20Drivers%20Course/Forms/AllItems.aspx

  • Contact your respective units CSS and have them input your basic information into the DEFEND X system. If your CSS cannot access DEFEND X, log into DEFEND X through the link below and input yourself. (NOTE: You must use Google Chrome and have access to a KADENA AB NIPR computer to enroll into DEFEND X) Click Advanced then proceed and create a profile. Link: https://lxez-as-011v

  • *USMC/US Army personnel must contact Marine Corps Base Safety/DSN: 645-3369 and US Navy Personnel need to contact CFAO/DSN: 634-8212 for their respective SOFA Permit issues.

  • Valid state side Driver’s license/Certificate from Schilling Center (MUST BE ON PERSON AT ALL TIMES WHEN DRIVING)

  • Orders/SURF for Military Members / Dependents

  • Letter of Employment for Civilians (We DO NOT use the date on your CAC)   

  • Military/Dependent/Contractor Identification (Base ID)

  • Motorcycle endorsement letter (ORA from 18 WG/Safety) required if getting motorcycle permit   

  • We will grade your test at the window.

  • For re-issue, if you SOFA permit has been expired for over 30 days, you will be required to retake the Wing Safety test before we can re-issue.

  • Receipt from drivers class at the Schilling Center
  • Sponsors orders/LOE
  • Dependent ID
  • Kadena Disciplinary Action Program (KDAP) Letter -- Bldg 99 634-2729/5148
  • Once class is passed, bring certificate along with the above documents to receive On Base Learners Permit
  • Student must be present    
  • Provide a memorandum from unit’s First Sergeant (supervisor if civilian/contractor) stating the license was lost, stolen, or revoked
  • Background Check conducted at Building 705 Room 128 Report and Analysis Section
  • Motorcycle endorsement letter (ORA from 18 WG/Safety) required if getting a motorcycle permit
  • Orders/LOE stating your DEROS (We DO NOT use the date on your common access card)
  • Valid state side Driver’s License/Certificate from Schilling Center (MUST BE ON PERSON AT ALL TIMES WHEN DRIVING)

Restricted Area Badges (RABs)

There are several types of Restricted Area Badges (RABs). Each badge is tied to an individual person and is required when entering certain areas within buildings, the flightline or munitions storage areas. For information and forms, check the below links and select the option best suited for you.

  • CAC
  • Hand carried AF Form 2586, also must be signed by Security Manager
  • Hand carried newly signed AF Form 2586 
  • Hand carried old AF Form 2586 for your old RAB
  • Old RAB
  • Individuals will need to fill out AF Form 1168 (Statement) at BLDG 705 (Security Forces Squadron)
  • Unit Security Manager and individual must fill out a "Lost Restricted Area Badge" Memorandum for lost or stolen badges
  • Hand carried new and old AF Form 2586
  • If a missing RAB is found, turn in to Gate 1 VCC


  • New & Old AF Form 2586 hand carried
  • Mutilated/Old RAB
  • CAC
  • 3 duty days prior to final out
  • Hand carried signed AF Form 2586 or Lost AF Form 2586 Memo
  • RAB in hand


Pass requests must be submitted electronically through our org box


Please ensure you encrypt your email before sending any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) to our org box.  If you lack the means to encrypt with email, please utilize https://safe.apps.mil/.  Any issues beyond that we can make an exception to accept hard copies of the pass.


Ensure when submitting the pass digitally, you consolidate all attachments into one PDF file except the Individual Information Sheet (excel).

Your email should consist of one PDF file (including step 1-5) and one EXCEL file (step 6).  Only one base pass request (up to 23 personnel on one request) per email. 


Required Documents

  1. Unescorted Base Pass Request
  • If the request is for multiple people, list information in alphabetical order by last name.
  • Must be typed in the proper format.
  • Must be signed by authorized individual. List of authorized individuals is kept at Pass & Registration.
  • Signature page needs to be included (Ensure you have the most updated NCOIC signature block)
  • Post Retirement Employee MLC/IHA (age over 60) bring USFJ Form 11 during card issuance (NOT REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED VIA EMAIL) PRE pass duration is 1 year max.
  1. Copy of Identification
  • Japanese Driver’s license, My Number Card, Passport or Residence card
  • US Citizens and other Countries need a copy of passport and a residence card 
  • Passport: Picture page, Landing Permission page. Residence Card:  Front side and Back side.
  • We do not accept if the license is faded/not clear/unable to read
  • Ensure you include their name in English above the license
  1. USFJ Form 196bEJ (Personal History Statement)
  • Only for first time (new hire) MLC/IHA,
  • For Non-MLC/IHA Contractors required for every pass submission
  • Japanese citizens are required to complete all fields in Japanese and English.
  • Non-Japanese Citizens are required to complete the form only in English.
  1. KOSEKI-SHOHON for Japanese Citizen

  • Only for first time (new hire) MLC/IHA
  • For Non-MLC/IHA Contractors required for every pass submission
  1. Travel Questionaire 

  2. Individual Information Sheet (Excel File)

NOTE***Please have your personnel visit our office with their old DBIDS card (even if it was issued by a different military installation), their submitted credential (Passport, My Number Card, or Japanese driver’s license), and a copy of the submitted pass request, along with the control number provided to create their DBIDS card.

The control number will be required to be given upon issue starting 15 February 2020.

DENIALS: If an unescorted pass is disapproved, the sponsor can appeal
to the 18 MSG/CD for a final decision.  Upon request a denied pass request can be forwarded to the 18 MSG/CD for final decision.  The final pass request decision will be forwarded back to the original requester.


Pass requests must be submitted electronically through our org box


Please ensure you encrypt your email before sending any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) to our org box.  If you lack the means to encrypt with email, please utilize https://safe.apps.mil/.  Any issues beyond that we can make an exception to accept hard copies of the pass.


Ensure when submitting the pass digitally, you consolidate all attachments into one PDF file except the Individual Information Sheet (excel).

Your email should consist of one PDF file (including step 1-3) and one EXCEL file (step 4).  Only one base pass request (up to 23 personnel on one request) per email. 

Required Documents

  1. Unescorted Base Pass Request
  • If the request is for multiple people, list information in alphabetical order by last name.
  • Must be typed in the proper format.
  • Must be signed by authorized individual. List of authorized individuals is kept at Pass & Registration.
  • Signature page needs to be included (Ensure you have the most updated NCOIC signature block)
  • If the member is not a contractor (EX: Child Care, Personal Housekeeper, Volunteer, anyone seeking access for personal reason), please utilize the Personal Unescorted Base Pass Request instead of Unescorted Base Pass Request above.  
  1. Copy of Identification
  • Japanese Driver’s license, My Number Card, Passport or Residence card
  • US Citizens and other Countries need a copy of passport and a residence card 
  • Passport: Picture page, Landing Permission page. Residence Card:  Front side and Back side.
  • We do not accept if the license is faded/not clear/unable to read
  • Ensure you include their name in English above the license
  1. Travel Questionaire

  2. Individual Information Sheet

NOTE***Please have your personnel visit our office with their old DBIDS card (even if it was issued by a different military installation), their submitted credential (Passport, My Number Card, or Japanese driver’s license), and a copy of the submitted pass request, along with the control number provided to create their DBIDS card.

The control number will be required to be given upon issue starting 15 February 2020.

DENIALS: If an unescorted pass is disapproved, the sponsor can appeal
to the 18 MSG/CD for a final decision.  Upon request a denied pass request can be forwarded to the 18 MSG/CD for final decision.  The final pass request decision will be forwarded back to the original requester.



Reasons For Possibly Being Denied Access 

Description of Crime


Any active Federal, State, or Local warrants.

Deny Access

The individual is known to be, or reasonably suspected of being, a terrorist or belongs to an organization with known terrorism links/support.

Deny Access

The individual is known to be, or reasonably suspected of being, associated with white supremacist organizations, neo-Nazi organizations, or any other organization the promotes racism or hatred toward a group of people based on color, origin, religious beliefs, ethnicity, sexual preference, etc.

Deny Access

The individual has any conviction for espionage, sabotage, treason, or terrorism.

Deny Access

The individual’s name appears on any Federal watch list or hit list for criminal (active warrant) or terrorist activities.

Deny Access

The individual has knowingly and willfully engaged in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government.

Deny Access

The individual has been convicted of sexual assault, aggravated assault, armed robbery, rape, forcible sodomy, child molestation, child pornography, indecent exposure, trafficking in humans, drug possession with the intent to sell or distribute, or drug smuggling.

Deny Access

There is reason to believe the individual has submitted fraudulent information concerning his or her identity.

Deny Access

The installation is unable to verify the individual's claimed identity.

Deny Access

Criminal homicide, murder, voluntary manslaughter, or kidnapping.

Deny Access

There is reason to believe the individual will attempt to gain unauthorized access to classified documents, information protected by the Privacy Act, information that is proprietary in nature, or other sensitive or protected information.

Deny Access

There is reason to believe the individual will unlawfully or inappropriately use an access credential outside the workplace or for unauthorized or unintended purposes.

Deny Access

There is reason to believe, based on deception or fraud in connection with Federal or contract employment, that issuance of an access credential poses an unacceptable risk to the installation or good order and discipline.

Deny Access

There is reason to believe, based on the nature and duration of the individual’s alcohol abuse, without evidence of substantial rehabilitation, that issuance of an access credential poses an unacceptable risk to the installation or good order and discipline.

Deny Access

The individual or sponsor are unruly and uncooperative while attempting to receive a pass.  These personnel will immediately be directed to exit the pass issuing facility or apprehended for failure to obey

Deny Access


Description of Crime


Class AA, A, or 1 Felony or State Equivalent

Deny Access

Found not guilty by reason of insanity for any offense, in any jurisdiction, or any country.

Deny Access

Description of Crime

Incident Occurred within the last
3 Years

Incident Occurred between 3 & 7 Years ago

Incident Occurred over 7 Years

Class B or 2 Felony or State Equivalent

Deny Access

Deny Access

Allow Access

Class C or 3 Felony or State Equivalent

Deny Access

Allow Access

Allow Access

All other classified felonies not listed above

Subject to Approval

Allow Access

Allow Access

The individual has been convicted of any firearms or explosive violation.

Deny Access

Subject to Approval

Allow Access

There is reasonable belief the individual has a drug related conviction.

Subject to Approval

Allow Access

Allow Access

The individual has been convicted of theft, robbery or petty theft.

Subject to Approval

Allow Access

Allow Access

The individual has been convicted of reckless driving, DUI, or DWI.

Subject to Approval

Allow Access

Allow Access

The individual has been convicted of Insurance Fraud, Debt/Credit Card Fraud, Telemarketing Fraud, Tax Evasion, Wire Fraud, Securities Fraud, Forgery, or Identity Theft

Deny Access

Subject to Approval

Allow Access

The individual has been convicted of assault or battery

Deny Access

Subject to Approval

Allow Access



Citizens from the following restricted countries must receive approval from the instillation commander prior to escorted access being granted:

Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, China, Cuba, Djibouti, Egypt, Georgia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Macau, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan, Occupied Palestine Territory, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, South Sadan, Syria Arab Republic, Taiwan (ROC), Tajikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen

Requests for Unescorted Access will not be accepted

To acquire approval, submit a TCN Pass Request through Gate 1 Pass and Registration Office using the TCN Application Packet.

To receive the TCN Application, please email 18sfs.s5b.pass-registration@us.af.mil or call 634-3437.


Privacy Act Statement

The Privacy Act of 1974, 5 USC 552a, provides protection to individuals by ensuring that personal information collected by Federal agencies is limited to that which is legally authorized and necessary and is maintained in a manner which precludes unwarranted intrusions upon individual privacy

We will protect the information you provided to our office until safe disposition.

Please ensure you encrypt your emails before sending any PII (Personally Identifiable Information) to our org box.  If you lack the means to encrypt with email, please utilize https://safe.apps.mil/.  Any issues beyond that we can make an exception to accept hard copies of the pass.

Contact Us

Located at:
Bldg. 31 (Kadena AB Gate 1)
Please direct all SOFA/RAB questions and base pass request (under 6 months) to:
SOFA Permits/Restricted Area Badges
DSN: 315-634-3437
Temporary Unescorted Passes Under 6 Months
DSN: 315-632-6949
HOURS: Mon-Fri 0730-1600
Closed at 12:00 the last Thursday of the month for training.
Closed all Federal Holidays and most Family Days. Please call to verify availability on Family Days.
Please direct permanent base pass requests (over 6 months) to:
DSN: 315-634-2604
HOURS: Mon-Fri 0730-1500
Closed all Federal Holidays